Jeanna Nikolov-Ramirez (born 1976 in Sofia) holds an M.A. in Graphic Design and Advertising from the University of Applied Arts, Vienna and Elisava School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona. She was director of postgraduate courses at Danube University Krems in the Department for Cultural Studies, Center for Image Science for six years creating and heading Master programs in Image & Science, Iconography, Digital Collections Management and Media Art Histories. She worked as project manager for several large scale international research projects on the intersection of culture and technology, including EuropeanaConnect, an EU-funded research project building the European digital library Europeana, aggregating digital cultural heritage across museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual institutions, and the Google Books Cooperation of the Austrian National Library (Austrian Books Online). Other research projects she significantly contributed to include DM2E, IMPACT, PLANETS.
She has written several successful funding proposals for EU research projects, the most recent one being Europeana Creative, a project establishing an Open Labs structure across Europe and promoting the re-use of cultural heritage resources by Europe’s creative industries. She was a communication consultant to UN Women and a key collaborator on BK SciArt, an NGO working towards a Museum of Science and Arts in North Brooklyn, New York and communicating science via the arts. Moreover she designed the logo for the Vienna Planetarium and observatories, which has been and continues to be in use for over 10 years now.
She has been project associate at the Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History, Univ. of Vienna where she co-developed an eye-tracking study investigating human gaze and pose and has built an autonomous cognitive robot. Currently she is project and process manager at the University of Applied Sciences bfi and studying to complete her MSc in Cognitive Science in a joint degree program between the University of Vienna and Comenius University in Bratislava.